Sunday, January 6, 2019

YIKES!! I can't believe I am sharing these with you. Actually, I'm excited too! Now that I am 48 and finished with my fertility journey, I'm PROUD. Yes, I gained alot of weight with each of my pregnancies. I envy the people who only gain 20 pounds. I also had c-sections with each one of my births. Guess what? I still managed to attain six pack abs after each. I was 22, 42 and 48 years old when I delivered each of my children.

Despite people saying it gets harder when you get older, that's BULLSHIT. It takes the same determination and daily dedication. I've seen an 80 year old woman compete in a bodybuilding competition. It is never too late to gain muscle and lose FAT. Complain or GO FOR IT!!

Now it's up to YOU. How bad do you want it? Start by making the decision to TRY....

#IVF #fat-loss #fitness #weighttraining #smallgrouptraining #personaltraining #bootcamp #postpartumfitness #postbabyworkout

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