Monday, November 2, 2009

How Tiana Lost 28 Pounds
Today I'm sharing the story of a young woman named Tiana. Like many moms, she gained some weight with the birth of her two children. Even after, she continued eating what she wanted, when she wanted, brushing exercise aside like she had done when she was pregnant and nursing. Her poor diet and lack of exercise caught up with her though — big time: She gained 30 pounds in one year! Now she's lost 28 pounds* and created a body that she's proud of. In addition, she's a healthy role model for those around her — especially her kids. Here's what she says about what she can do now, as well as her advice for you.
Read Tiana's inspiring success story

Jillian on Everyday Health
Don't Have Time for Cardio
Q: "I have really young kids and am struggling to find time for a 45-minute cardio workout. Would I get the same benefits from breaking up my cardio into shorter intervals on the treadmill?"

See Jillian's answer on Everyday Health

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