Wednesday, October 8, 2008


M&M's are really football fields. What does this mean? To find out walk with a 50 cent bag of plain M&M's onto a football field. Open the bag and take out one little M&M at the back of the end zone. Eat this one M&M. It will last in your mouth about 10 seconds. Start to walk off your M&M by striding across the football field all the way into the far end zone (120 yards). Congratulations! You just burned off one M&M!

Now, turn around and look back at the goal post. If you're willing to walk another football field, enjoy your second M&M. Just remember, there are 53 to 55 of those little sugar coated chocolates in the 50 cent M&M bag.

This wasn't written to depress you, but hopefully it will at least make you think the next time you pick something up that you should think twice about. Are you willing to spend the time and energy to burn it off?

* By the way, one peanut M&M equals two football fields.
* Potato chips and Doritos equal two football fields each chip.
* Chocolate chip cookies, depending on their size, equal 8 -15 football fields.
* A snickers bar equals 50 football fields.
* Miller or Bud Lite equals 18 football fields.
* If you choose a regular Miller or Bud - that equals 36 football fields.
* A Big Mac, fries and shake are 240 football fields or five straight hours of walking.

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