Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sleep Apnea
If your body mass index (BMI) indicates that you're overweight or obese, you should know you're at increased risk for a serious condition known as sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder. People with sleep apnea may breathe shallowly or have long pauses in their breathing throughout the night. Usually, people with sleep apnea do not wake up fully enough to realize this is happening — though others in the household may complain of their loud snoring, which is one sign of this condition.
During the day, people with sleep apnea often feel fatigued because of their chronically disrupted sleep and may fall asleep easily while watching television, while at work, or most dangerously, while driving.
Read on to learn what to do if you think you have this relatively common and potentially dangerous condition.
Read more or go to: for more information.

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