Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Shaq's Daily Challenge

It's All About the Food
How to Put an End to Food Fights

When it comes to cooking for a family, there's never a dull moment in the kitchen. From squabbling about what's for dinner to struggling to get your kids to eat their vegetables, there are plenty of opportunities to fight about food. Follow these tips to make mealtimes more peaceful:

Limit the options. If you don't want your kids to make an unhealthy choice, then don't offer it. Serve up healthy foods and don't allow alternatives at the meal. When your kids realize that what they see is what they get, they'll be more likely to eat foods that they otherwise might never have touched.
Quit the "clean plate" club. You were taught to finish everything on your plate no matter what, so you should teach your children to clean their plates as well, right? Wrong. It's important that your children learn how to listen to their bodies and recognize the signals of hunger and fullness. So if your children leave a little bit over at dinner, don't pressure them to finish every last bite.
Close the restaurant. You're a parent, not a chef. You don't need to cater to each child's individual requests. Instead, make one meal for the entire family. It's also important to stipulate times when no food is allowed, such as an hour before dinner or bedtime. To make it clear, hang a sign on the kitchen door that says the kitchen is closed!

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