Friday, December 7, 2007

Running Out of Energy
No matter how motivated I feel when I first start a new exercise routine, I seem to lose steam about three days in. I know how important exercise is for losing weight — I have 34 pounds to lose — but I just can't seem to stick with it. Do you have any tips for staying motivated to exercise? Please help!
A: You're not alone! Many people struggle with motivation when it comes to working out, especially when they aren't used to exercising. One trick to boost your motivation is to find a workout buddy. This is a person who will exercise along with you so the two of you can encourage and support each other — and remind each other about those bikinis you're going to fit into! Family members and neighbors are great for this because they're nearby, but anyone can be your buddy. Just knowing that your buddy is counting on you will help you stick to your routine. Plus, walking with a friend is more enjoyable — you can burn calories and fat while you catch up on the latest news!

If you don't know anyone you can work out with, look for a virtual workout buddy on the Message Boards. The two of you can check in with each other before and after your workouts to cheer each other on!

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