Monday, December 10, 2007

Jillian's Tip of the Day!

When You're Under the Weather
Working out when you're feeling sick can be a drag, but illness doesn't have to derail your routine. The key is to keep some momentum going without overdoing it. Here's what one member recently posted about getting well and staying on track:
"Even though my eyes are really watery and I'm sleepy from a head cold, I have a feeing I'll wake up tomorrow with enough energy to box with my coach and get in some time on the elliptical machine! Of course, I'll stay mindful of how my body is responding to the sickness and I'll adjust my workout accordingly.
It's so great to hear all the good progress everyone is making. I'm a bit jealous that I'm not progressing along with you in my weight loss right now, but I'm sincerely encouraged and happy to see you all making your way to your goals! It gives me strength to know that I'm not alone in this difficult challenge and that we'll continue to encourage and support each other all the way to the end. I know this may sound clichéd and corny, but I feel it to be true in my heart!"

Fight Off Colds With ExerciseDo you want to take some preventive measures against colds this winter? Just get off your butt! Studies show that the more active your lifestyle is, the less likely you are to contract the common cold. Moderate to vigorous activity — and this includes your cardio and circuit workouts on my program — will help you build not only a better body but a tougher immune system to boot!
Go to: for more information.

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