Thursday, December 13, 2007

Functional Training is one of the newest and most effective forms of results-based training. This circuit-training program of strength and cardio drills uses colorful fitness gear such as physioballs, bands, balance boards, mini-steppers, hurdles, cones and more to challenge both your body and your mind.

Each exercise in this fast-paced workout uses multiple muscle groups, resulting in a more efficient and comprehensive overall workout. Using basic movements and core stability, you’ll increase strength, burn more calories and improve your flexibility, balance and posture. Because the purpose of functional training is to work with the body’s natural abilities and movement, every person, no matter what their fitness level, will see and feel results from this class.

With functional training you’ll improve your overall body performance and see the difference in everything you do, from sports to daily activities.
For more details on my small group training (functional training) classes, email me today:

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