Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Back to Nature
A Natural Protein Supplement
When you're looking to tone up those bikini muscles, what's the best protein you can eat? It may sound surprising, but eggs are considered to have the highest-quality protein found in food. In fact, egg protein is used as the standard to which other proteins are compared. A little more than half of the protein in an egg is found in the fat-free white, so you can load up on egg whites without feeeling guilty!
In addition to their protein content, eggs pack another strong nutritional punch: The yolks are a great source of easily absorbable lutein, an important antioxidant (also found in spinach and other green vegetables) that's great for your eyes and your skin. And although the yolks do contain fat, it's mainly unsaturated — the healthy kind of fat.
By the way, the theory that eggs increase cholesterol levels in the bloodstream has been thoroughly debunked. A recent study found no difference in heart disease risk between those who ate one egg a week and those who ate one a day. Another study concluded that eating two eggs a day for six weeks had no impact at all on cholesterol levels. The key is to prepare your eggs healthfully — large amounts of butter, cheese, and cream in the company of sausage and bacon aren't good for your cholesterol level or your bikini!
Eggs a Million Ways
Eggs are a wonderful complement to almost any vegetable, including greens, mushrooms, tomatoes, and onions. They're also fantastic with smoked fish, whole-grain toast, and beans. Take a look in your refrigerator — if you have eggs, you're well on your way to a complete, delicious meal. Go to: for more information.

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