Monday, July 14, 2014

Week Two:

Yesterday's lunch was so delicious, I had to share a picture. You may have noticed that I love spicy food. I add hot peppers, jalapeƱos or hot salsa to almost all my protein. Before getting pregnant, I ate like this almost everyday, besides the occasional cheat dinners on the weekend. Getting back to my old ways has been very comforting. My menu is kind of boring, only because I'm easy to please I guess. Plus, I know what works for me. I love the taste of sweet potato with a little spray butter, salt and pepper. Anyway, here we go with a new day. Do what's right for YOU! Stay tuned....

10:00AM - Protein shake w/ frozen bananas/strawberries, 1 tsp. peanut butter, 1 tsp. flaxseed oil.

12:30PM - Egg white scramble with spinach, green pepper, mushrooms, hot salsa and jalapeƱos.

2:00PM - 40 minute spin bike workout. (Isabella woke up too quick from her nap)

3:00PM - 1/2 grapefruit.

4:00PM - 25 minute workout w/ Shaun T doing T25. (Day 1)

6:00PM - 60 minute total body strength workout. Yeeha!

7:00PM - Grilled thin steak, garden salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

* Today was a good day. I felt stronger and more motivated. I know that I'm losing FAT, I can feel it. I'm off to bed early - I need to rest my muscles in the A/C.

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