Day Six:
I can't believe it has almost been a week. I'm surprised at how little I've been tempted to cheat. I really felt like I was ready to start last Monday. When you've been as lean and fit for as long as I've been - being FAT sucks. I'm not going to lie, it's super uncomfortable, I don't know how people do it. Not being able to wear the clothes you want to wear is absolutely horrible. I used to flaunt my sculpted body, not hide it. So happy that I finally woke up. One day at a time, it only takes 60 days to change the way I want to change. Stay with me...
8:30AM - egg white scramble w/ spinach, mushrooms, peppers, hot salsa and jalapeƱos.
12:10PM - baked haddock, 1/2c. sweet potato cubed and 1 1/2c. spinach.
12:30 - 1:30PM - 60 minute spin bike workout. (while Isabella napped in other room :)
2:15PM - protein shake w/ 1/2 banana, 1 tsp. peanut butter and 1 tsp. flaxseed oil.
5:00PM - 30 minute Stairclimber workout. (reading Nate Robinson's book on kindle)
7:00PM - Grilled chicken breast w/ salsa & hot peppers, asparagus.
* stay with me, even though I've gotten super lean and mean before, I have to work a lot harder and longer this time. Not messing up is going to get me there faster. Focusing on my goals is going to keep me working harder and doing more each day.
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