Friday, October 23, 2009


This is a "THIS IS IT" Fitness-Friday!
I'm very excited about going to see Michael Jackson's "This Is It" today at 4:15pm. If you are a client of mine, you know I'm a big fan and I love working out to a lot of his greatest hits. You see, music is what ultimately inspires my workouts and my pursuit of the ultimate physique. The sound, beat and tempo of certain songs can inspire me to push a little harder, workout a little longer and SWEAT even MORE! If you don't workout, you won't understand.

Michael Jackson's music inspired me in the 80's to be more of myself. I could be having a bad day and hearing the right song could absolutely change my mood, thoughts and direction instantly.

*Note: Please keep your Ipod's and personal music players full of up beat, inspirational music. YOU can dream and achieve all of your dreams. Go see the movie and go for the GUSTO in your life!

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