Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Weekend Rhythm
It seems easier to eat right and work out regularly during the week when you have a set schedule. It becomes more challenging to avoid a slump when the weekend rolls around. Who wouldn't prefer lounging in sweats to working up a sweat? While it's easy to bum around on the weekend, it's important to start off on the right foot by pushing yourself out of bed at a decent hour to head to the gym or meet a friend for a run. Plan fun activities for the day or, if you have errands to do, use them as an opportunity to be active by walking instead of driving, and carrying packages as a kind of natural weight lifting. Don't forget to prepare healthy meals while you're at it — the weekends are especially convenient for you to whip up home-cooked meals because you have more time than during the week. It's tempting to sit back and relax all weekend, but it's more fulfilling to stick with your usual rhythm — your body will thank you!!

Tip of the Day
Fit Can Be Fun
There are a lot of activities that are fun and will get your heart pumping — you just need to think outside the gym! Go for a bike ride and include some hills for more intense intervals; try rock climbing, whether on real rocks or at an indoor locale — you'll get the benefits either way. Or go for a hike with some friends — along with the beautiful scenery, you'll get quite a workout! The weekend is a perfect time to try some outdoor activities because you probably have more time on your hands than during the workweek. So don't think of exercise as a four-letter word; it's more fun than you think. And the added benefit is how great you'll look and feel when it's all done! Go to: for more information.

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