Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sonoma Diet Weekend

Lapses: A Regular Part of Any Diet
Cravings and other diet pitfalls aren't vague annoyances that might go away on their own. They are specific reactions to specific situations, and that means they can be isolated, confronted, and understood. That's what you need to do to get them to go away.
Remember that lapses are a real part of the diet. They're natural by-products of any change in an eating regimen. And they've been taken into consideration from the earliest planning stages.
In other words, The Sonoma Diet was designed with the full understanding that anyone who follows it is going to deviate from the guidelines on occasion. It's expected. So when you give in to a craving, or eat too much of the wrong thing, we've got you covered.
Of course, you'll lose weight quicker if you lapse less frequently. You'll certainly enjoy the diet more if you're not constantly struggling against cravings and temptations. That's why you're encouraged to deal with these problems as methodically as you do with the eating part of the diet.
Here's what we mean by that: To get down to your target weight, you knew it wouldn't be enough to simply decide to eat a little less, or try to cut down on "fattening" foods. Instead, you chose to follow The Sonoma Diet meal plans and eat according to the diet guidelines. It's the same with your cravings. It's not enough to resolve to "be strong" or to wait for them to eventually disappear. You need a plan. The plan that works is to get the problems out in the open so you can understand where they're coming from and then deal with them.
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Dr. Guttersen's Tip of the Day
Attitude Is Everything
Do you have an all-or-nothing attitude about your diet? If so, you're likely to view even a single lapse — too many calories at dinner, an unhealthy meal at a restaurant — as a total failure. You might even go off the diet entirely. Try to talk yourself out of these thoughts. They can do serious harm to your dieting plans and lead to overeating. If you're having negative thoughts about your diet, try writing them down in a journal or talking them through with ! a friend. Most of all, be nice to yourself! You can achieve your health goals. Staying positive can help.
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DANIELLE'S COMMENTS: In regard to the "cheat day" or lapses, ask yourself how bad you want to reach your goal? You will reach your individual weight-loss goals faster, if you don't cheat. A cheat day can set you back or completely de-rail your diet mission. I've known people that have gained 7 pounds during one cheat day! Why? Because they completely overate, consuming salty high calories foods and sweets. The result? Water retention! If you have 50, 100 or 150 lbs to lose, cheat days should completely be eliminated. Cheating and eating the food you crave is how you became so unhealthy!

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