Thursday, January 31, 2008

Help Your Family Eat Healthy
It can be tough to stick to a diet, but it can be even tougher if your family insists on keeping non-Sonoma Diet food in the kitchen. There is a remedy, however, that will benefit both you and your family. Processed baked goods, cookies, crackers, and chips, and sugar-filled cereal, don't do adults or children any good, whether they're on a diet or not. Lay down the law and banish these foods from the house. If they're not there, nobody will eat them — including you. And it's the least your family can do to support you.

Help them along. With the harmful food gone, put out fresh fruit in the kitchen. Have whole wheat bread and peanut butter available. Stock up on vegetables and have some cut and ready for them to snack on. Let them see that a healthy kitchen doesn't mean deprivation.
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Dr. Guttersen's Tip of the Day
Smart Snacking for Kids

What are your kids up to when you're not around? If they're making their own snacks and eating them in their rooms or in front of the TV, it's likely that they're not paying much attention to what, or how much, they're eating. To help them eat healthier, designate a snack spot in the fridge or a cupboard, and split up cheeses, veggies, and dips into single-serving sizes so they're ready to grab when the kids come home from school.

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