Thursday, January 31, 2008

Healthier Alternative for SUPERBOWL PARTY!!!

Guiltless Gourmet Tortilla Chips,
Assorted Flavors
PER SERVING (1 oz., about 18 chips): 120 - 123 calories, 2 - 3g fat, 26 - 250mg sodium, 19 - 23g carbs, 2g fiber, 0 - 1g sugars, 2 - 3g protein -- POINTS® value 2*

WOW! Our pals over at GG have reformulated their classic chips, which come in a gazillion varieties! The new chips are crispier and more packed with flavor than before. We tried a bunch of 'em…

Mucho Nacho - AWESOMELY cheesy!

Chipotle - Fantastic, a bit HOT, and a tiny bit sweet.

Yellow Corn - GREAT for recipes! A solid chip.

Blue Corn - Good, but slightly boring.

Spicy Black Bean - Sassy and VERY beany. Yum!

Chile Lime - Has a not-so-hot, fake lime taste. Skip it.

Unsalted Yellow Corn - Great, especially if you prefer a plainer chip.
* Tip, courtesy of
DANIELLE'S COMMENTS: Do yourself a favor and read the labels at the grocery store. Make an attempt to minimize calories, while entertaining your guests. Personally, I get so nervous durning the game that, raw vegetables and a light veggie dip are all I need. Plus, most of us feel like we are going to have a heart attack during close games anyway. Don't clog your guests arteries anymore than they already are. AVOID high-calorie / high -FAT foods. (Pizza, cheese dips, french fries, chips, etc.) Make a nice healthy meal.......ummmmmm, other than filling your table with JUNK. Holla~

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