Monday, December 10, 2007

Harley Pasternak's Daily Challenge

Slow and Steady Wins the Race
No one expects you to make changes all at once or to drop ten pounds in a week. That would just be unrealistic! So don't be discouraged if you don't see changes overnight. Challenge yourself to keep up your spirits no matter how you are doing. As long as you continue doing your program, exercising, and eating right, you will see changes. Remember: When you change your habits day by day and lose weight at a slow, healthy rate, you are more likely to maintain the changes and keep the weight off.

Progress Makes Perfect
Since you can't always detect changes over the long term, you need to find things to mark as signs that you're on your way. Try to keep a diary of all the things you're doing right these days — eating healthy foods, exercising, paying more attention to how you prepare your food and what you order when you eat out. You'll feel good when you see in writing that you are making obvious changes in your routine — this will help you understand that less obvious changes are happening, too, even if you can't see them at first. Don't worry: That "after" picture will develop in time!
Go to: for more information.

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