Thursday, December 13, 2007

Holiday Advice
If you're thinking of starting the South Beach Diet during the holidays, here's some advice you won't want to miss. According to Dr. Arthur Agatston, leading preventive cardiologist and author of The South Beach Diet, the holiday season — with its endless parties and goodies — is a challenging time to try to change the way you eat...but it's not impossible.

"Enjoying the festivities is part of the South Beach Diet lifestyle," says Dr. Agatston, "which I designed to be flexible and to accommodate special celebrations. That means you can commit to eat better and healthier over the holidays while still partaking in a bit of holiday indulgence." To do so, Dr. Agatston recommends starting in Phase 3, which is the most liberal Phase of the South Beach Diet, for both newcomers as well as veterans of his eating plan.

"Phase 3 is the best strategy for maintaining weight and partaking in holiday fare because this Phase allows for all foods, even an occasional 'sinful' treat," he says. "So you can allow yourself some of the things you know aren't that good for you, as well as a glass or two of wine (or another South Beach Diet–approved cocktail)."

Have these things along with the fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins that are the staples of the South Beach Diet. Then, once the New Year comes, you can start following Phase 1, which is particularly good for people who have a lot of weight to lose or who are experiencing cravings. Or you can begin in Phase 2 - the ideal starting point for those who have 10 pounds or less to lose. Go to: for more details.

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