Saturday, December 8, 2007

Discover the Fountain of Youth!
Every year, Americans spend billions of dollars on products and surgeries that promise to turn back the hands of time. Now a new public awareness program called the Healthy Aging Campaign says that there are safer, easier things you can do to look and feel young — and they don't have to cost a fortune! The program's suggestions include not smoking, having regular health checkups, traveling, taking classes to develop hobbies and skills, and maintaining a close group of friends and family. But can you guess what's at the top of the list? That's right — staying active and eating right!

In fact, the experts say if you do nothing else, exercise! Without physical activity, all other efforts to fight aging will be in vain. They recommend a minimum of 30 minutes a day, three days a week. On the healthy eating front, they recommend a balanced diet that includes at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day. In other words, the steps you're taking to get healthy right now will actually keep you looking and feeling younger for years to come! So go ahead — stay fit and stay young!
MEMBERS GET MORE! Find get fit strategies on Denise Austin's Fit Forever! Sign up today!

Half-hearted effort will get you absolutely nowhere in life — you must have a zest, a love, a passion for what is important to you!

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