Friday, August 24, 2007

The Buzz from......BIKINI BOOTCAMP

Preworkout Snack
Q: I always get so hungry when I work out — I'm sure the woman on the treadmill next to me can hear my stomach rumbling! Can I eat something before a workout? I'm afraid I'll get sick.

A: Definitely! You should never exercise on an empty stomach. Eating a snack beforehand will give you the energy to make it through your workouts — not to mention quiet down those tummy rumblings. But don't have your snack just before exercising. The best time to eat is between one and three hours before working out. Make sure your snacks have both protein and carbs, as well as a little healthy fat to keep you satisfied. Our top bikini-friendly snacks include peanut butter and sugar-free jam on a slice of whole-grain bread or a rice cake; peanut or almond butter on an apple slice or piece of banana; low-fat yogurt with a few slices of banana; and low-fat Wheat Thins or Triscuits with hummus or a thumb-sized piece of low-fat cheese.

Why Protein?
The protein you eat — whether it's fish, cheese, or chicken, or even a vegetarian protein like legumes or nuts — is actually a chain of compounds called amino acids, which are the building blocks of all your body's cells. Including protein in your snacks ensures that you have additional amino acids in your bloodstream to repair and rebuild any cells that are damaged because of your physical activity.
DANIELLE'S COMMENTS: I know I've said this before, but based on my numerous interviews with clients -----most people's diets consist of almost all carbs. (the bad one's: bread, chips, crackers, etc.) We need to eat protein with all of our meals & snacks. It does a body good. EXAMPLES: chicken, fish, eggs, string cheese, low fat cottage cheese, yogurt, etc. Journal your food for a day and you'll see what I mean.

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