Friday, September 25, 2009

Ways to Stay Healthy While Traveling

Staying HealthyWith so much focus being put on the H1N1 (swine) flu you will notice a lot of new signs at airports about ways to help you stay healthy during your travels. Be prepared, before during and after your travel.

Get your shots before you travel - Regular flu shots are available now. H1N1 flu shots are expected in October. Check when booking your travel with for suggested shots and timing when traveling to your desired destination.

Take your vitamins - There are several immune boosting vitamins available over the counter. Start taking these a few days before your trip to boost your germ fighting ability.

Medicines and Prescriptions - Be sure to bring your prescriptions in your carry-on. Also when traveling aboard it is helpful to have medicine from home that you are familiar with such as : antidiarrheal, antihistamine, aspirin or ibuprofen, cough drops, hydrocortisone cream, insect repellent, sun screen , etc.

Wash your hands frequently - Use soap and water as often as possible. Bring antibacterial wipes or hand sanitizers and use them often especially after contact with others or touching items that lots of others have touched as well.

Cover your month - Use your bent elbow to catch your coughing and sneezing, not your hands. Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes, this is the easiest way for viruses and bacteria to enter your body.

Drink lots of fluids - It is easy to become dehydrated during travel, water is best. Avoid drinks with lots of sugar or caffeine.

Get lots of rest - The stress of travel through airports and negotiating new surrounding and crowds can take its toll on your body. Make sure you plan a little quiet time each day and get a full nights sleep.

Consider a face mask - Walk around any airport these days and you will be surprised at how many people are using masks to help prevent the spread of germs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Parents, teachers: My child came home from school the other day saying that they learned to cough and sneeze into their elbow with Germy Wormie, and I was totally taken aback. I always covered with my hands. But I went to the website and now I get it, hands touch, elbows don't!! Kids can touch 300 surfaces in 1/2 hour and they hate to wash their hands. This is a simple thing that can make a huge difference. Also, there is a DVD the kids love, and it teaches them in a fun way other necessary hygiene habits, as well as the elbow cough.