Sunday, January 20, 2008

Don't Run, Walk!
A little walking can go a long way to control your diabetes.

walking is a gentle, low-impact exercise that directly effects your physical fitness and overall health. In fact, it's one of your body's most natural forms of exercise. But did you know that walking can greatly benefit diabetes?

Studies conclude that walking is actually one of the cornerstones of diabetes treatment. Walking has an "insulin-like effect" on the muscle, causing blood sugar levels to drop, independently of insulin in most cases. Furthermore, studies show a strong connection between walking and the reduction of diabetes in general (primary prevention).

Contrary to popular belief, there's no need to overexert yourself to benefit your health. Buying fancy exercise machines, frantically riding your bicycle, or running at top speed aren't necessary. A 20- to 30-minute walk a day — or at least three days a week — is just as beneficial to

long-term health. Be sure you have good walking shoes and enjoy your walks!
Read more about starting a walking program.

For more information, go to:

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