Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Revolution Heath - must read article!!

Reviewing Recommendations for Weight Loss
Date updated: December 27, 2006
Content provided by Staywell Custom Communications

In 2004, the National Institutes of Health reported that nearly two-thirds of U.S. adults were overweight or obese. Each year, countless studies investigate various weight-loss tactics, such as low-fat versus high-fat diets, whether it's beneficial to snack (or not) and the importance of exercise for weight loss and maintenance. Data from large groups whose members lost weight on their own, and kept it off, also has been analyzed to determine how they achieved success.

The latest studies conclude that a successful weight-loss plan is a mind/body undertaking that not only involves monitoring calorie intake and expenditure, but dealing with the psychological side of weight loss and habit change.

But what really works and what doesn't? These seven proven principles can increase your chances of weight-loss success now -- and for the long term.
DANIELLE'S COMMENTS: If you are finally ready to shed your excess body fat? This article is a must read. Just do it!

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