Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day Four:

Today is going to busy day, but I'm focused! My legs were really fatigued yesterday therefore, I'm only doing cardio today. I'll give my legs a little more time to rest and going for the gusto this afternoon.

I'm not going to lie, today was hard. My legs feel like pure JUNK. I attempted an hour of cardio on the Cybex Arc Trainer and I was surprised at just how little gusto I had. I guess I over did it with weights during the first 3 days. GOOD NEWS: I'm already down 5 pounds and I'm feeling stronger.
Isabella had a follow up cardiology appointment that was horrible. She fought them so hard, kicking and crying that they couldn't complete any of there tests. We are usually there 30 - 45 minutes. Needless to say, it was a two hour visit - then I had to take her to the lab to have her blood drawn. In the past I would of coped by having something sweet or salty - NOT THIS TIME. I came home and had a healthy late lunch and exercised. I'm hoping for a great night sleep tonight. My legs need some rest - but I'm hoping to kill it tomorrow.

7:30AM - 1/2 grapefuit & coffee, tea

8:30AM - Eggwhite scramble with spinach, mushrooms, peppers, hot salsa & jalapeƱos.

1:30PM - Grilled chicken breast w/ hot salsa & jalapeƱos. 1/2 c. sweet potato cubed and 1c.
                steamed broccoli.

2:30PM - 60 minutes of cardio on the Cybex Arc Trainer.

7:00PM - Grilled chicken breast w/ hot salsa and 5 peperoncini peppers.

* I'm already looking forward to tomorrow's workouts and nutrition. I feel good.

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