Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Intense Exercise and Your Growth Hormone
After you work out, do you have the feeling that you can do anything? Well, you're not alone. That "runner's high" (which is actually triggered by any form of exercise, not just running) comes about because exercise floods your body with endorphins. These helpful biochemicals lift your mood and stimulate the release of another important hormone that affects your metabolism: human growth hormone (sometimes called HGH). This natural hormone is something we all want, and lots of it. It builds muscle, burns fat, helps you resist heart disease, protects your bones, and increases your overall health.
Learn how to increase your HGH

Jillian on Everyday Health
Don't Have Time for Cardio
Q: "I have really young kids and am struggling to find time for a 45-minutecardio workout. Would I get the same benefits from breaking up my cardio into shorter intervals on the treadmill?"

See Jillian's answer on Everyday Health

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