Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cut the Fat, Cut the Burn
A low-fat diet may ease your heartburn.

That painful, fiery sensation that follows mealtime can be reduced if you make simple changes to your diet. If you already eat smaller meals, you may also want to lower your fat intake. Why? Dietary fat relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and stimulates the production of stomach acid. Just like when you eat too much, the acids can overflow in your esophagus.
Try lowering your fat intake gradually by replacing the snacks you keep in your cupboard with reduced-fat or fat-free versions plus fruits and vegetables. Decreasing dietary fat will also help combat another trigger of heartburn — obesity. A large waist circumference builds up the pressure inside the abdominal cavity. The pressure causes the LES to work harder, and it becomes a less effective barrier against reflux. By lowering your fat intake, you should be able to reduce some of the burn. If you continue to have problems, consult your physician.
Check out our Diet & Nutrition center!

Source: Foundation for Digestive Health and Nutrition (FDHN). The FDHN does not recommend or endorse any company advertised on this site.
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