Monday, September 10, 2007

Jillian Michael's Tips of the Day!

Friends for Life... and Health!
Do you have a friend or relative who shares your goals and your desire to get healthy? Invite him or her to join you in your workout routine! Working out with somebody else makes you less likely blow off the old exercise routine. Furthermore, enlisting a "partner in crime" will help you inspire each other to eat right, work out, and stay motivated. One of our members is having great success with her buddy:

"I did my circuit workout today and I really focused on getting as much out of each exercise as possible — it felt great!

I also have an update on the friend whom I convinced to start working out with me. She's been doing the routines with me for a couple of weeks now, and soon she will have passed the 21 days that it takes to form a new habit. She's doing awesome and improving every day. She's getting more and more fit, and she has also been losing weight, which makes her happy. It feels so great to set a good example for friends and family, especially because it improves their lives too. I love it!"

You're Not Alone
Even if you don't have the kind of people in your life who'd make good partners in crime, role models, or fans, don't lose hope. There are other people out there who would be happy to make a new friend like you. Seek them out by joining a group, hiring a trainer, asking a co-worker to be your diet buddy, or approaching someone at the gym about training together. If you surround yourself with people who support you and want to see you succeed, chances are you will.
For more information, go to:

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